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Making the Truth Mine


For each of the King's Table lessons to have its full effect in your life -- and in the lives of those you are teaching -- we encourage each student to:

  • Read and digest the study -- meditate on the Word of God.

  • Put into action what you have learned (James 1:22).

  • Share the Word of God with others.

To help you apply the lessons practically, we encourage you to use the "Making the Truth Mine" page at the end of each series. You can print out or photocopy this page for each lesson and student. 


The format is simple, as follows:

  1. Write out in full the scripture from the lesson which means the most to you. We encourage each student to commit to memory.

  2. Write out one statement from the study which you feel is most significant for your life.

  3. Write in your own words how you believe you should respond to the truth of this study. Are there any decisions you should make?

Your places of ministry have been pre-arranged by God -- your home, the street you live in, your place of work and your church.

"I run in the paths of your commands, for you have set my heart free" (Psalm 119:32).


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